Market News - AntiPiracy

Do content creators have copyright protection for their "aesthetic"?

In April 2024, TikTok content creator Sydney Nicole Gifford filed a lawsuit against fellow influencer Alyssa Sheil, alleging that Sheil copied her distinctive “neutral, beige, and cream” aesthetic across platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Amazon Storefront. Gifford claims that after a 2023 meeting to discuss potential collaboration, Sheil began replicating her apartment design, camera angles, font usage, and even hairstyle. The lawsuit includes extensive side-by-side comparisons of their content to highlight the similarities. Gifford seeks up to $150,000 in damages for “mental anguish and lost income” and demands the removal of Sheil’s allegedly infringing content. This case, dubbed the “sad beige lawsuit,” raises significant questions about the originality and ownership of social media aesthetics, potentially setting a precedent for how influencers can legally protect their creative work.

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